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How to freeze Tomato puree


                How to make and freeze Fresh Tomato Puree

Here is how to turn the  fresh tomatoes into puree and preserve the puree to use later without adding any chemical preservatives.

For home made puree of tomatoes choose nice red pulpy tomatoes.

Puree in three steps only

Blanch, Peel and crush…..

Blanching is a process to first partially cook vegetables like tomatoes, peas, spinach etc in hot boiling water for few minutes and then immediately transferring them to cold water.

This hot to cold water transfer process makes skin peeling easier and it preserves the color and nutrition of vegetables.

How to make puree step by step

1)    Choose red color tomatoes. First of all rinse  and wash them in water .

2)    Make a cut on the top of tomatoes.This will make peeling easier.

3)    Boil water in a pan. When it start boiling slide all the tomatoes in it and boil it for approximately 3 minutes.

4)    Turn off the flame.

5)    Remove tomatoes from hot water and slide them in cold water for 2 minutes. Drain the water and transfer into a plate.

6)    Peel all the tomatoes and cut the stems also.

7)    Transfer them into blender or mixer grinder. Grind it and your puree is ready .


How to store

You can store it in the form of ice cubes in ice trey.


Note:- Use the cubes as and when needed. Take out the needed no of cubes from the freezer and use as you wish.

Once you de-freeze the puree cubes use them up. Do not re -freeze as it will not taste like original.


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Last Modified: July 19, 2017 02:16 PM
home made tomato puree how to freeze tomato puree how to make tomato puree how to make tomato puree at home how to preserve tomato preserve tomatoes at home puree in three steps tomato puree tomato puree at home what is puree what is tomato puree

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