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Home remedies for viral fever in monsoon


Monsoon is the time when we are more vulnerable to illness. Change of weather, drinking cold water or cold eatables, inhalation  of aerosolized particles are responsible for activation of this viral fever. A fever(pyrexia) is a part of the body’s defense against infection. It is a self limiting disorder and the symptoms will reduce on its own within 5 days .If the fever is mild general opinion suggests that you just leave it to run its course naturally. In case of high fever the aim should be to reduce it and not eliminate it immediately. Do not panic if  any member in the family has fever , just keep a strict watch on his behavior and activities to monitor the severity of  the illness. Fever is a natural response of the body to destroy viral or pathogens in the blood. Always remember that a fever is fighting for you not against you.

Symptoms of Viral Fever:-

Chills, red eyes, sore throat, fatigue, headaches, muscle aches, cough, watery eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing.

Natural remedies are cheap and generally safe and help to recover speedily:-

  • First of all have home cooked food without spices .You must  avoid outside food when suffering from   viral fever.

  •  Take boiled or steamed vegetables, vegetable soup, soft fruits, boiled rice, whole grain bread, khichdi, Dalia (oats). 

  •   Take a lot of fluids . Drink water (preferably Luke warm)  frequently throughout the day. Viruses and bacteria grow better in dehydrated cells . Toxins are removed more easily when the body is well hydrated. If you have loose motions also , then don’t take fruit juice and raw food like salad etc. How can you be sure that you are getting enough fluids?  Your urine should be pale yellow, almost colorless. 

  • The juice of Tulsi mixed with ginger and honey is good in viral fever . Take 1 spoon of this 3-4 times in a day (this mixture should be made fresh daily).You can add 1 tsp of Tulsi juice in hot water & sip it  very slowly.
  • Gargling with salty water and steaming will cure the throat and nose infection.

  • Take Few pieces of soaked Munakkas (large currants) in the morning .

  • Have bananas and apples  as these are rich in calcium, iron and electrolytes.

  • Have energy booster foods – the carbohydrate and glucose rich food provide energy to the body .

  • Have vitamin C rich food for increase your immunity (lemon juice with honey immunes and strengthens the body to fight diseases).
  • Drink herbal teas.

  • Protein intake is also to be  increased due to loss of tissue proteins , so have milk and moong dal.

  • Glucose water, coconut water, custards are good in viral infection.

  • Take ½ cup of water.  Add 20-25 pieces of raisins . Let it soak for 2-3 hours. Grind the mixture, sieve it . Add few drops of lemon juice and drink it once in a day.            
  • Crush a clove of garlic and eat it. You can mix it with honey to make it more palatable.

Important tips:- 

The most important thing is simply to rest.

-Secondly if fever is too high place a piece of damp cloth on forehead and keep changing the cloth throughout the day.

-Wear loose clothes to improve air circulation. it will help you  stay cool.

-Cleanliness is very important in viral fever. Wash your hands frequently. Avoid touching your face with your hands without washing them. Never use your hands to cover your sneeze & mouth . Always use the inside of your elbow or handkerchief.

- Always cover your mouth in crowd .  This not only minimizes the number of bacteria / viruses you transmit, it also ensures that you do not catch any other disease when you are already ill.

-Never use steroids , as they may cause super-infection which is difficult to cure. You may take  anti pyretic or analgesic drugs to reduce fever.

-Viral fevers are difficult to prevent as they occur in the form of epidemic spread through air or other modes , have patience and it will go with above remedies at home.

-Avoid alcohol and smoking whenever you have fever.

Note :- Keep some margosa (Neem) leaves in the room you are resting in. Margosa is a natural antiviral and prevents the spread of infection.

-Antibiotics will have no effect in viral fever.

-Avoid oily, fried and spicy food.

-If a high fever persists consult your family doctor.

                                                    -  Dr. Suman Setia

Last Modified: August 07, 2015 03:25 AM
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