A Complete Health Guide Health articles/Diet Charts/Home Remedies

Tips For Losing Weight


Tips for losing weight:

Limit your salt and sugar.

Use skimmed milk.

Avoid junk food.

Do not visit the restaurants frequently for eat outs.

Skip any type of packed food like chips , juices  etc.

Never skip your breakfast.

During shopping take care that you do not buy things which contain concentrated  calories.

Just go for brisk walk at least 30 minutes daily

Do meditation i as t will help to curb your hunger

Chew your food slowly .It  really works wonders.

Dancing is a good exercise .So enjoy the dance  while achieving your goal.

Have your dinner early (between 7:30 t0 8:30) . If you feel hungry after this in late night you can eat apple , orange etc

Last Modified: February 07, 2015 06:25 PM
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tips for losing weight weight loss tips

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