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Roasted Channa Pinni

14 Dec 2014

As the  winters  is at its peak  , you need more energy to keep your body warm .  So instant roasted Chana  Pinni is  a very  good option to keep yourself  filled with energy.

Making pinni with wheat flour is a tiring and time consuming  process . Here I am giving you my tested and tried  recipe of instant pinni. I am sure you will love it.  Very very nutritious and time saving recipe . Working women will also love it. So  be ready to prepare this delicious and healthy pinni.

Ingredients  :-

Roasted  Plain Chana (with skin) – 250 gm

Bura chini –  250 gm

Desi  ghee – 100 ml

Grinded  dry fruit( almonds , walnuts) – 250 gm

Green eliachi  ( Cardamom) powder – ½ tsp

Method :-

Grind the chana in mixie, now add bura chini (grinded sugar), grinded dry fruit ,eliachi powder and melted ghee .

Mix it well and prepare the balls of any size and shape. You can store it at room temperature for 1- 2 months.

Note -

If you add more walnuts in pinnis , it will help in binding the pinni .

Diabetic patients can also eat it without adding sugar .

 Why roasted chana pinni is better than wheat flour pinni :-

1-      It needs ghee in less quantity as compared to atta pinni

2-      Chana provides us  good quality of protein

3-      It takes only 10 minutes to prepare

4-      Time saving

5-      Contains little amounts of fat

6-      Easier  to make

7-      Not heavy on your stomach

Last Modified: February 07, 2015 05:54 PM
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channa pinni gram flour laddoo instant pinni winter best food

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