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How To Eat Drumstick Leaves?

15 Jul 2021

Moringa Oleifera

(Drumstick Tree/Sahjan Tree)

Moringa Oleifera is a fairly large tree, native to North India.

It is known by a variety of names, such as Drumstick tree, Horseradish tree.

Almost all parts of the tree are eaten or used as ingredients in traditional herbal medicines.

This especially applies to the flowers, leaves and pods, which are commonly eaten in parts of India and Africa.

It’s been called the Miracle Tree because it is one of the most nutrient-dense plants on the planet.

 It's rich in fibre, Vitamins like A, B, C & Minerals like Iron, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium etc.

Moringa Leaves have 7 times more Vitamin C than Oranges.

It has 15 times more Potassium than Bananas.

Moringa has 17 times more Calcium than Milk.

It has 9 times more Protein as compared to Yogurt.

But to get all these benefits,  are you eating Moringa Leaves in the right way?

Moringa leaves are small in size. The vibrant green feathery leaflets are smooth, thick, and firm, and grow in a tripinnate structure.

 Actually, Moringa Leaves contain high levels of antinutrients. Due to which our body is unable to absorb the minerals & proteins found in these leaves.

A great removal of anti-nutrients from Moringa Oleifera leaves can be achieved by blanching them in water at 80-85°C for 15 min.

Let's learn the right way to blanch the leaves...

Separate the leaves from their stem.

Wash the leaves thoroughly with water two or three times.

Now Take a pan & add water.

After a single boil, add the leaves.

Switch off the flame & Cover it.

After 15 minutes

Sieve it.

 Now leaves are safe to be tossed into recipes the same way you do with any other leafy green. For example, you can add Moringa leaves with Chana daal.

Which month we should not eat drumstick leaves?

Drumstick leaves should not be eaten in the month of July and August. Because the digestive power of the body reduces during the monsoon season.

Q: How much Moringa leaves should I eat per day?

A: In winter 50 to 70 gm but in summer only 20 gm is sufficient (1 cup contains 20 gm of moringa leaves).


Health Benefits of Sahjan Tree:

1) Relieves joint pain.

2) Boosts memory & concentration.

3) Kills intestinal worm.

4) Regulates blood sugar levels.

People taking any type of medicine should consult a doctor before taking Moringa Oleifera in any form.

Last Modified: -/-

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