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Health benefits of Holy Basil


In Hindu religion it is worshipped  every morning and evening .Basil grows under warm conditions .It is originally native to Iran ,India and other tropical regions of Asia. Tulsi leaves have many chemical compounds which help  prevent diseases and promote good health .This herb is even mentioned in Charak Samhita due to its excellent healing properties.


·         The juice of tulsi leaves can be used to bring down  fever. Green Tea made with tulsi helps to bring down temp. Basil leaves boiled with powdered cardamom in ½ liter of water mixed with sugar and milk should be given to patient 3-4 times in a day.

·         In cold, cough and flu it is very effective in all forms.

·         It reduces the level of blood cholesterol and thus helps to correct  heart disorder.

·         It helps  purify the blood.

·         It acts as a stress reliever.

·          Applied locally it cures many skin diseases like  ringworm, leucoderma  etc.

·         Leaves can be used in the preparation of soups and many dishes.

·          Chopped fresh leaves can be used in  salads.

·         Being rich in phytonutrients its leaves are effective in  malaria and dengue fever.

·         It contains orientin  and vicenin. Due to presence of these compounds in holy basil it works as an  antioxidant.

·         Essential oil eugenol, linalol, citral, limonene are present in it which work as  anti inflamatory and anti bacterial.

·         Due to the presencs of Zea-Xanthin compound it helps  protect age related  macular diseases.

·         It is an excellent source of Iron, potassium, manganese, copper and magnesium.

·         It helps  prevent hair loss. Make a paste of basil leaves and add it in hair oil. Apply this paste on your scalp, it helps  promote  hair growth.

·         Recommended dose :- 2- 3 drops of extract of basil leaves 2-3 times in a day.Overdose can cause many problems .

·         NOTE :- women who are pregnant ,trying to become pregnant or breast feeding should not use holy basil .

·         Care should be taken with other NSAIDS.


Last Modified: February 08, 2015 05:20 PM
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