A Complete Health Guide Health articles/Diet Charts/Home Remedies

Diet Plan in Wheat Allergy


What is wheat allergy?

It is the abnormal response of the body to the protein found in wheat. It is an auto immune disease which causes reaction to proteins (especially gluten) found in wheat. The immune system of a person having wheat allergy develops a specific antibody - a disease fighting agent to the wheat protein. Besides environmental factors , genetic factors are also responsible for the ailment.

Symptoms :-

Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, eczema, itching, bloated stomach, diarrhea, headache, mood swings, irritable bowl syndrome, tiredness, unexplained cough.

Diet Plan :-

Although a person could have an allergy to almost any food, the 8 foods that account for almost 90% of all food related allergy reactions are:   Milk, Eggs, Peanuts, Cashews, Walnuts, Fish, Soy and Wheat. Out of this Wheat Allergy is most common and affecting mass of people.

And if anyone is diagnosed with Wheat Allergy , must follow  a gluten free diet.  Initially following a gluten free diet may be frustrating, but with time, patience and creativity you will find there are many foods that you already eat that are gluten free and you will find substitute for gluten containing foods that you can enjoy.

You will be surprise that how many gluten free products such as bread and pasta are now available in the market. If you do not find them in your area you can search online.

You can consult wheat free cook books. Cook books specializing in recipes without wheat can help you cook safely and enable you to enjoy baked goods and other foods made with substitutes of wheat.

Foods Allowed in Wheat Allergy :-

Fruits and vegetables.

Most of the  Dairy Products.

Eggs, Meat ,Fish.

Beans , Nuts .

Gluten free flours like rice flour , Soy flour, Corn flour , Potato flour.

 Tea, coffee, fruit juices.

Foods to be Avoided in Wheat Allergy:-

Bread ,Bread crumbs.

Cracker meal.

All purpose flour





Wheat grass




French fries



Instant chocolate drink mixes etc.

Sometimes wheat is found in glucose syrup, soy sauce, some brands of ice – cream, potato chips, rice cakes , salad dressings, sauces and soups also . This list does not imply that wheat is always present in these foods. So always read the label . Ingredients in packaged food products may change without warning .  So check the ingredient statements carefully every time you shop. Sometimes medications and vitamins have gluten as a binding agent. So take care about that also.

Menu/Diet for a wheat allergic person : -

Plain water mixed with honey and lemon juice. It is necessary to detoxify your body.

Breakfast :- skimmed milk with banana , almonds

or omelete(with lots of vegetables)

or boiled egg with tea.

or bread( made with rice flour ,soy flour instead of wheat flour) with jam and fruit juice.

or cup cakes made with rice flour or potato flour with fruits or fruit juices.

Before Lunch :-

Salads having lettuce, carrot, cabbage, cucumber, tomato, radish.

Lunch :-

Boiled rice + curd + any green vegetable

Or chapatti made with multigrain flour except wheat, barley & rye flour + dal or paneer + any vegetable

After lunch:-

Any fruit or fruit juice

Dinner :- As in lunch

Before going to bed :- skimmed milk


A wheat allergic person has no other option than to follow gluten free diet as above. With patience and practice this can be achieved.


Dr. Suman Setia






Last Modified: September 10, 2015 07:52 AM
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food allergy diet gluten free diet wheat allergy diet

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