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Benefits of soaked Almonds


Do you know?

Why should we soak almonds before eating?

Almonds are a good source of proteins and healthy fats.But many of us do not know how to eat them? Is it necessery to soak them? Yes, of course!!

Almonds have phytic acid.Phytic acid which binds to minerals in the gastrointestinal tract. These bound minerals can lead to mineral deficiency.To avoid this we should soak almonds before eating.

How soaking works?

By soaking, You are breaking down the phytic acid , so the Almonds can be absorbed easily.Soaking the nuts not only helps with digestion but it enhances the flavour tremendously. 

Ayurveda suggests soaking almonds overnight and eating the peeled nuts the next morning.Eating soaked almonds, first thing in the morning can help regulate your stomach acidity.

Now I am explaining it in detail:

The nutrients, espescially the minerals however are not absorbed effectively in the body if you eat raw dry almonds. This is because of two types of inhibiting chemicals in almond skin.

These two chemicals are Tannin & Phytates.

Tannin - It binds with proteins and makes it difficult to digest them.

Phytates -The phytic acid can bind with iron and zinc & so reduces their absorption into the blood.

Thankfully both tannin and phytic acid are water soluble.Once soaked these chemicals leach into the water.

Perfect way of soaking:

Almonds - handful

Filtered water - 1/2 Cup

unrefined salt - 1/4th tsp

First of all wash the almonds with water .After that Mix all the things. Keep it aside for overnight. In the morning discard the water and rinse it thoroughly.Peel off the skin and eat them with honey for more benefits.

The following questions will help you decide if soaking nuts is worth a try.

- Do you ever experience low belly pain after eating nuts?

- Do you ever notice pieces of nuts in your stool, the day after eating them?

- Do you struggle to consume enough  minerals and B vitamins in your diet?

If your answer is yes to any of the above questions, You will likely benefit from soaking nuts prior to eat them.

Benefits of eating soaked almonds regularly:

Almonds have many fantastic nutritional qualities and the best way to derive all the benefits from this superfood is to make sure you include this in your diet regularly.


The powerful properties increase our brain's functionality.

Lowers the risk of alzheimer's disease

Improves the bone health, thus protects us from osteoporosis.

Regulates the BP, The low sodium content and potassium present in almonds assist our bodies in keeping our BP stabilize.

The vitamin E within the tasty almonds reduces the risk of heart disease and at the same time magnesium works to prevent heart attacks.

Helps to boost energy.

Helps in lowering the cholesterol.

Guards against cancer.

Helps in lowering the glucose level thus good for diabetic people.

Almonds are high in antioxidants that can protect your cell from oxidative damage, a major contributor to ageing and disease.

Frequently asked question:

Q: How many almonds should we eat in a day for good health?

Ans: Approximately 30 gm of almonds that is equal to 20 almonds.

I think all things are considered, Almonds are as close to perfect as a food can get.

Dr.Suman Setia BAMS(MDU)DNHE PGDHHM For more updates Like us on facebook, just click on this  link :  https://www.facebook.com/foodclinic.in/

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2) Stomach infections- Home Remedies.

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Last Modified: May 20, 2018 04:59 AM
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