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Home Treatment for Sebaceous Cysts


What is sebaceous cyst   सीबेशियस सिस्ट (त्वचा में गांठ)  –

Sebaceous cysts are the small , non cancerous protuberance on the skin. They are often painless and their size may vary from 1/4 th  of inch to 2 inch. These are characterized by bulging lump with redness around the affected area. They are not contagious and do not run the risk of developing cancer.  In other words they are benign.

Although this small lump may not pose any major health risk but it can be a cause of low self esteem for its unappealing appearance.

Causes of cysts -

1)    Cysts normally occur on the parts of the body where there is a lot of sebum production like face, neck, shoulders or chest.

2)    Blocking of sebaceous glands, excessive production of testosterone in males, increased production of sweat, excessive exposure to the sun.

3)    Waxing and shaving are some of the contributory factors to this problem. These may occur to the person of any age.


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Home remedies –


Draining the liquid out of the cyst or lancing can be a way to get rid of the sebaceous cyst, but it increases the risk of spread of infection. Here are some home remedies to ease the skin ailment in a natural manner:


Turmeric is a natural healing agent which can break the cyst and bring back the affected area into normal state. Boil ½ tbsp of turmeric with 1 cup of water. Allow it to cool and drink this every night. Repeat this remedy for 10 days.


Make a paste of turmeric , water and honey and apply it on cyst.


Garlic paste remedy

Garlic is rich in antiseptic properties which destroys the infection causing bacteria.

Things we need –

Garlic – 2-3 cloves

Mortal and pestle

Bandage as required

Process- firstly peel the garlic cloves and add it into the mortar and pestle. Then grind the garlic cloves till it forms a smooth paste. Apply this paste on cyst. Later apply a bandage over the garlic paste. Allow the application to remain on the cyst for 10-15 minutes. Then wash off the garlic paste with plain water and pat dry the skin gently.

This process must be repeated once daily for 4-5 days for treating sebaceous cysts.


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Warm compress/ heating pad:

Dip a cleaned washed cloth in hot water. Wriggle it to remove the extra water. Put it over the cyst for 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure for 3-4 times a day. It will speed up the healing process and improve the blood circulation or else you can also make use of heating pad in place of warm compress.

Note – Apply medium heat to the cyst as too much heat might generate more infection causing bacteria.


Tea bags – Tea bags have anti inflammatory properties. Soak a tea bag in some milk and keep it over the cyst overnight.

Baking soda – Mix some baking soda, water and salt to form a smooth paste on the cyst. It is one of the most popular treatment for curing the  cysts. This process must be repeated thrice a day for 1 week which makes the sebaceous cyst dry out and heals the skin too. Baking soda has properties that help  in maintaining the ph level of the skin and thus keeps bacterial growth under control, providing relief from itching and burning too.

Mix 3 tbsp of honey in 1 tbsp of cinnamon powder . Apply this paste over the cyst. The medicinal properties of cinnamon proves useful to get rid of sebaceous cyst.

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Cabbage Boil some cabbage leaves in water and apply it over the cyst . Cover it with a clean, dry wash cloth. It is a very effective remedy for getting rid of the cyst.

Apply potato juice over the cyst with the help of  a cotton swab and leave it over night . It will decrease the size of the cyst quickly.

Aloe vera – It contains phenolic compounds which possess antibiotic properties that is why aloe vera is a popular remedy to cure sebaceous cysts. Squeeze some juice from the aloe vera leaf and apply it directly over the cyst. Repeat this process several times a day for a few days till the cyst goes away completely. Alternatively drink aloe vera juice regularly to get rid of the cyst fast.

Antifungal creams also work great on severe and painfull cysts. To cure sebaceous cysts apply some anti fungal cream directly on the infected area and cover it with a clean piece of cloth or bandage  if necessary . It helps in reducing inflammation and itching.


Do’s :

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Drink plenty of water. It is required for the elimination of waste from the body.

Keep the areas surrounding the cyst clean.

Always wash your hands before treating the cyst.

Make use of clean and washed cloth to clean the cyst.

Use hygienic blades and wax for cleaning the hair on the skin.

If the cyst pops its own , wash it thoroughly with the running water and make use of anti bacterial soap to clean the affected area.

Consult your physician in case you notice that the size of the cyst has swollen or increased, it is pus filled, the pain has increased.  Also seek support from your doctor if the cyst is in the genital area.

Exercise regularly as physical activities regulates the production of hormones which help  prevent sebaceous cysts.


Do  nots:

Avoid the urge of scratching or squeezing the cyst to bring pus out, as it may pass on the infection to other body parts. It may also lead to bleeding.

Avoid the excessive exposure to the sun.


Dr. Suman Setia



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Last Modified: December 18, 2017 04:45 PM
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